Source code for arrested.resource

from flask import Blueprint

__all__ = ['Resource']

[docs]class Resource(Blueprint): """Resource extends Flasks existing Blueprint object and provides some utilty methods that make registering :class:`Endpoint` simpler. """ def __init__( self, name, import_name, api=None, before_all_hooks=None, after_all_hooks=None, *args, **kwargs): """Construct a new Reosurce blueprint. In addition to the normal Blueprint options, Resource accepts kwargs to set request middleware. :param api: API instance being the resource is being registered against. :param before_all_hooks: A list of middleware functions that will be applied before every request. :param after_all_hooks: A list of middleware functions that will be applied after every request. **Middleware** Arrested supports applying request middleware at every level of the application stack. Resource middleware will be applied for every Endpoint registered on that Resource. .. code-block:: python character_resource = Resource( 'characters', __name__, url_prefix='/characters', before_all_hooks=[log_request] ) Arrested request middleware works differently from the way Flask middleware does. Middleware registered at the Resource and API level are consumed by the :meth:`arrested.Endpoint.dispatch_request` rather than being fired via the Flask app instance. This is so we can pass the instance of the endpoint handling the request to each piece of middleware registered on the API or Resource. .. code-block:: python def api_key_required(endpoint): if request.args.get('api_key', None) is None: endpoint.return_error(422) else: get_client(request.args['api_key']) character_resource = Resource( 'characters', __name__, url_prefix='/characters', before_all_hooks=[api_key_required] ) Please note, Flask's normal App and Blueprint middleware can still be used as normal, it just doesn't recieve the instance of the endpoint registered to handle the request. """ self.before_all_hooks = before_all_hooks or [] self.after_all_hooks = after_all_hooks or [] super(Resource, self).__init__(name, import_name, *args, **kwargs) if api is not None: self.init_api(api)
[docs] def init_api(self, api): """Registered the instance of :class:`.ArrestedAPI` the :class:`.Resource` is being registered against. :param api: API instance being the resource is being registered against. """ self.api = api
[docs] def add_endpoint(self, endpoint): """Register an :class:`.Endpoint` aginst this resource. :param endpoint: :class:`.Endpoint` API Endpoint class Usage:: foo_resource = Resource('example', __name__) class MyEndpoint(Endpoint): url = '/example' name = 'myendpoint' foo_resource.add_endpoint(MyEndpoint) """ if self.url_prefix: url = '{prefix}{url}'.format(prefix=self.url_prefix, url=endpoint.url) else: url = endpoint.url self.add_url_rule( url, view_func=endpoint.as_view(endpoint.get_name()), )